Results For Category: "Blog Post"

Thursday 5/23/19

Thursday 5/23/19 A) Strength (15m to Complete) Fitness 3-5 Sets 8-10 PVC OHS or Air/Goblet/Front Squats Performance 4 Sets Building in weight 8 Overhead Squats…

Wednesday 5/22/19

A) Mobility and Movement Breakdown 5-10m Mobility Coaches Movement Breakdown B) Metcon (28m EMOM) 1. 3 DL ~75-80% 1RM 2. 100m Sprint 3. 10 Ball…

Tuesday 5/21/19

A) Mobility and Movement Breakdown 5-10m Coach Led Mobility Coaches Movement Breakdown B) Metcon (20m AMRAP) Fitness 10-20m AMRAP 10 Ring Rows 15 Push Ups…

Monday 5/20/19

A) Strength (20m to Complete) Fitness 4-5 Sets 8-10 High or Low Hang Power Cleans (:03s pause in set up and catch positions) Performance/Sport 4-5…

Friday 5/17/19

A) OLY (15 minutes to complete) Fitness/Performance3-5 Sets 8-10 Snatch Pulls (:03s pause @ Knee and Hip)or8-10 Deadlifts RX5 Sets Building in weight3 Snatch Pulls…

EFC Coaches Corner: Approaching the Open

Coaches Corner: Approaching the Open Now that we are two weeks into the CrossFit Open, I’d like to take some time to elaborate on it’s…

EFC Coaches Corner: Setting and Crushing Goals ?

Goal Setting When it comes to setting goals of any kind, whether health/fitness related or not, the process is generally the same! The goal of…

August 2018: New Member Spotlight

We have new members joining us all the time here at Manta Ray. Help us welcome them to our family and show them how positive…

July AOTM: “Always Show Up” with Christine Thompson

From the Coaches: “Christine is everything you could ask for in an athlete and member here at Evolve Fitness Clearwater. She is coachable, hard-working, and…

EFC Welcomes Coach Cory Small!

Cory Small Cory was born and raised in Concordia, Missouri. He has been active with fitness his whole life playing football, track, and rugby. Cory…