EFCComp: Beginning June 1st

EFCComp Programming


EFC will be upgrading it’s programming starting in June. We will have our normal class programming, and begin offering our #EFCComp track for those interested in competing in the sport of CrossFit. EFCComp will include additional Barbell/Strength Work, Conditioning, and Metcons to be done separate from class time.


Like always, our classes have priority in the room. During some times our second room next door will be empty, and athletes will be able to do the EFCComp work there. During other times, athletes will be able to use the main room as long as they are not interfering with the class. Open Gym is always the best option if you are able to.


EFCComp work is to be done IN ADDITION to the normal class, not in place of. Our classes will still be the main component of the programming, and the EFCComp work is for competitors who are looking for an edge in our sport. If you are not interested in competing, and even if you are, you will still find everything you need during our normal hour-long class time.


At Manta Ray we are constantly growing, and we will continue to evolve our program to offer the best program and community for our members. Whether you are here for a healthy, functional fitness or you would like to compete in our sport, we will strive to bring you the best, most effective, program possible!



Program Breakdown:

Our programming is primarily conditioning biased, with general strength cycles and a CF Open prep cycle built in. As a gym, we follow strength programs geared to increase a certain lift(s), but will not sacrifice other baseline skill development while that cycle is being executed. Each strength cycle is followed by a period of deload and recovery.  Always expect general physical preparedness within our workouts.


As a community, our athletes at every level will perform the programmed work out, but will scale as needed to meet the intent of the overall training session. Athletes looking to compete or who choose a more challenging program can follow our EFC Comp track. This track is designed for the more proficient CrossFit athlete who is looking to develop the skills and capacity needed to advance to higher levels in the sport of fitness. Programmed work in this track is similar to the general EFC programming, but will also consist of additional work outs designed to train athletes with more advanced skill sets.


Sample Day:




A) Front Squats

Set 1: 5 @ 60%

Set 2: 5 @ 65%

Set 3: 5 @ 70%

Set 4: 3 @ 75%

Set 5: 3 @ 80%

B) Metcon

“Toe Jam”


8 Toes To Bar                 (C) Double Touch T2B

4 Bar Over Burpees       (C) 6 Bar Facing Burpees

2 Cleans Rx 155/115  (C) 4 Squat Cleans 185/135

*Optional Work

3 Rounds

15 Hollow Rocks

10 Superman Poses

ME Hanging L-Sit Hold



A) Conditioning

3 Rounds

ME 500m Row w/90 sec rest