Nick Perkins
Nick was born and raised in the queen city of Cincinnati, Ohio. He has been a lover of sports his entire life finding himself busy playing football and lacrosse throughout high school. Weight training was always a favorite part of his training schedule. He continued to be active through college at the University of Cincinnati participating in flag football and club lacrosse. After graduating with a degree in Finance and Entrepreneurship, Nick and his now wife, Jessie, moved to Athens, Ohio for Jessie to continue her education. Nick looked for a job in the small town without much avail which led him to his current position in the Ohio capital city, Columbus, working as an Accounts payable manager. His wife’s career brought them to the Tampa Bay area and Nick was able to continue his work from home.
Bored of the everyday gym routine, Nick began to research Crossfit and went to watch some friends compete in a competition in Tampa. Immediately after the competition he signed up for his first classes at Evolve Fitness Clearwater. After one workout at EFC, he was quickly in love with this new type of fitness. He immediately knew that his life would never be the same. His passion for fitness and the ability to help others through this avenue has now become his main focus. He gained his CF-L1 certificate in October 2015 and was welcomed onto the team at Manta Ray. His hope is to continue to help people gain strength and confidence through the CF design.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
Favorite Athlete: Deion Sanders
Favorite Exercise: Snatch
Least Favorite Exercise: Wall Balls
Favorite Quote: “Pain is Temporary, Pride is forever”