Chalk Talk: “Note on Workouts During Class Times”

Auxiliary Work Outs During Scheduled Class Times


There has been a recent trend of athletes wanting to do their own work in the empty sections of #thetank during a regular class.  We would like clarify what is expected of you as member of Team Manta Ray.


–          Clear it with the coach first.  Don’t assume since the class is small that you can set up and do work. Be sure to clear it with the coach EVERYTIME. Depending on the class work out, you may be able to get in work during the class metcon or something similar. The coach will determine what is permitted during their class time.


–          Keep the noise level down. We want you enjoy your time in the gym, but please keep the noise level down during a class, especially when there are general instructions or demonstrations provided by the coach.  This includes grunting, groaning, clanging and slamming weights! The noise not only impacts the coach, but the athletes in the class may not appreciate the distraction.  Don’t be rude.


–          Do not interfere with the class. If the class overflows and your space is needed, you MUST IMMEDIATELY stop your workout at the request of a fellow athlete in that class or a coach. The scheduled class has priority!


We want to accommodate you working out as much as we can, but we must focus on the athletes in the scheduled classes first. We hope that you understand and appreciate the guidelines we are outlining. Ultimately, we just ask that you be aware and respectful to your coaches and teammates! Stay on the Grind!